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EM-eco public relations company


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We consider the special events one of the complex communication tools. Multiplicity of this type of events creates a situation where only original and creative venture can be noticed and used for marketing purposes.
Therefore, we come up with non-standard ideas, develop complex programmes and rational budgets and we take care of the course and response to the events we organise.

* Creating special events
* Organising and overseeing the special events
* Open door days
* Introducing new products to the market
* Promotions
* Happenings
* Media service and organisation of the sport events in Poland and abroad
* Opening ceremonies of new companies, exhibitions, fairs, festivals, picnics, balls and many other events for the representatives of media, employees or commercial partners of the clients.

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Price:Ask for price


Related products: Printing & Publishing ->Advertising -> Ad campaigns


EM-eco public relations company

Street:Skrytka pocztowa 13
City:Warszawa 130
Postal code:02-771
Phone: +48 533 969669

Contact person

Name and Surname: Sławomir Pawlak
Phone: +48 22 3730015
Mobile: +48 533969669
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